Maresware Programs P through S
Pagefmt /
Pipefix /
Pipelen /
Put_tng /
Random /
Recycled_I /
Rm and Rmd /
ROT13 /
Sample /
Sha_NIST /
Seadate / Search / Setupapi / Sha_V / Sha_verify / Sortchek / Split / SS / SSN_VALID / Strsrch / Strip / Systems
All programs are command line programs.
Take a data file and produce a formatted output file
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. This program is designed specifically to take a file of fixed length records and produce a formatted file (on disk) containing page breaks and heading information suitable for copying to a printer. Pagefmt is extremely fast when reformatting files. A 26,000 record file can be reformatted in under 30 seconds on a 386. The input records must be of a fixed length. | View the html help file. |
Take a variable length delimeted file and advise max length of each field
This program is designed specifically to take a file of variable length (delimeted) records and produce a listing of the maximum length found for each field. The output can then be used to create a parameter file for the pipefix program. (see pipefix below) | View the html help file. |
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. Make delimited records into fixed length records
Pipefix is designed to work with files that contain variable length records containing pipes as field delimiters. This type of file most often results from an unload of a database. Most notably, INFORMIX, ORACLE, and DBASE create this type of output. If you know what the record schema(record layout) is, you can use Pipefix to make the
records a fixed length, with each field also being a fixed length. Then the output file can be
processed just like any other fixed length record. It also works on variable length records with
carriage returns.
| View the html help file. |
Insert branding information in the master boot record of hard drive
This program is designed take user input, and put information in the master boot record of a drive which can then be tested for. If the test is successful, the user knows the drive is his. The information also shows up in the Volume Serial Number of the drive. | View the html help file. | Top
Generate random numbers
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. A random number generator that produces outputs that auditors and others find useful for defining samples. The output can then be passed to Maresware's Filsplit to select out the sample records of a data file. Random will generate random numbers based on the input requirements of the user. It will generate a list of random numbers with upper and lower limits. You can also specify how many numbers you want. | View the html help file. |
The recycled_i program is designed to work on certain recycle bin items. Recycle bin's created with Windows OS's after the VISTA version most likely produce a recycled folder contains files that begin with the filename $I that the program will work upon. With WIN7, etc. is processes the $RECYCLE.BIN files. It is designed to process each $I file and produce a pipe ( | ) delimeted output containing information relating to the deleted file and its original metadata. IE: filename, dates, etc. SOURCE| Size| Delete Date| Time (GMT)| Extension| Original Filename| Modified| Time (GMT)| Last Access| Time (GMT)| Created| Time (GMT) $I67QCLP| 92026| 2018-04-13| 18:43:37| NONE|D:\TMP\trash3 | 2018-04-01| 21:23:08m | 2018-04-13| 18:43:21a| 2018-04-13|18:43:21cSample output seen above. | View the html help file. |
Rm and Rmd
Remove file and directories
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. To remove and overwrite files. (Is more efficient than the del command). The Rmd command is also useful when removing a file with object re-use in mind. This means it will overwrite the file to DOD standards and write as many passes as you specify. Rmd will also:
The default operation is only a single pass which does not meet Department of Defense minimum criteria, but it erases the disk/file sufficiently so that the average user cannot recover data. To pass DOD specs, you must ask it to overwrite at least 7 times. The program available for download is Rmd. To obtain an rm operation that doesn't overwrite: simply rename the program to rm.exe.
| View the html help file. | ROT13
ROT13 conversion program
A simple command line program that will convert a file that is ROT-13 encoded/encrypted to a conventional (readable) file. The program makes no assessments, judgements, or analysis as to what needs to be converted and what doesn't. It converts the entire file. So if a section is not ROT-13 encoded, it will convert it to ROT-13, and vise-versa. From a line extracted out of FTK Registry Viewer report on the USERASSIST key, it converted the top line to the correct text. HRZR_EHACNGU:P:\Cebtenz Svyrf\UC ErpbeqAbj\zlpq.rkr UEME_RUNPATH:C:\Program Files\HP RecordNow\mycd.exe The command line is simple: rot13 inputfile outputfile | No help file available |
Create a file of know content
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. Sample creates a single "sample" file. The file is of known content designed by the user, and of known size. The file can also contain periodic checkpoints which will allow users to confirm locations within the file. Since this is a 32 bit program, if run on an NTFS drive, it can create files greater than 2 GIG in size. This is a free program. | View the html help file. | Search
Search files for keys
As with most Maresware file processing software, the input file MUST be fixed length. Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. Search allows you to search fields in a record for the occurrence of specified search keys. There are a number of different modes which can be used to search a file. If your input file is sorted on the key field, use Maresware's Bsearch instead. It will increase speed dramatically. (Bsearch can only be used with fixed length records.) Search is a real workhorse when dealing with fixed length or mainframe data files. It has a tremendous amount of operational capability. For instance: On a 2GHZ computer with a 5200 RPM drive, this program can search a 10.8 million record file (approx 640 megabytes) for a key in under 30 seconds.
| View the html help file. | Setupapi
Search files for keys
Reprocesses the setupapi.log file to make it easier to load to a spreadsheet. It also reforms some of the dates within the file.
| View the html help file. | Seadate
This program: seadate.exe is designed to decode the manufacture date code
that is found on some Seagate hard drives.
NIST code for SHA,MD5, MD4, CRC-32
This is a program that was generated by compiling the NIST source code for the SHA, MD5, MD4, and CRC-32 data base. The source code is available at: NSRL documents. However, in order to compile it cleanly under Microsoft Ver 6.0C++ a few minor changes were made(although none to the algorithm). Our version of the source code is available upon request.
Sha V
Validated program to calculate SHA1 values
The sha_v program is currently unavailable. If you wish to perform SHA calculations, use the hash program linked below. This contains a validated SHA1 FIPS 180-3 algorithm which can be used to calculate the SHA1 (or MD5, SHA256, 384, 512) values of files. For testing or evaluation of the usefulness, use the sample hash program. It will provide all the functionality needed to see if the calculations and formats suit your needs. No evaluation version of the actual SHA_V is available.
Sha verify
Emulate/verify SHA/MD5 calculation of data (disk)
Use to perform a hash of a file, and/or to emulate that calculation on a number of sectors or file of X bytes in size. Also performs an MD5 and SHA1 calculation on a file (this function is incidental to the primary purpose). Often in validation procedures you have either a file or a physical drive which contains one hex value (i.e., hex 00). You need to perform a hash of the file/disk. Your software may take a long time, and you have no way to know if it actually worked. By using Sha_verify you can emulate doing a MD5 and SHA1 of a disk or file of a specific size, and provide the correct value. Then compare this value with the one your software produced on the actual device. Because the disk or file doesn't need to be available, the program runs fast. This program is available for free download. Sortchek
Check sort integrity of a file
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. Use Sortchek to check the integrity of the sort sequence of a sorted file. The file must be of a fixed length record format. The program can only check primary sort sequence. | View the html help file. | Split
Split a large file to smaller pieces
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. This program splits a file into equal parts for copying to floppy disks. It can either split the file into pieces on the hard drive which can then be copied to floppies, or it can split the file directly to floppies. Split takes a large file and splits it so that it can be placed onto floppy disks for transmittal. The program does not compress the data, so each piece is a subset of the original. Maresware's Unsplit reverses the action of Split. It takes the pieces off the floppies and places them back into a single file on the hard drive. The zip file contains both Split and Unsplit along with the Windows help file. | View the html help file. | Ss
Search physical drive for strings
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program and also the nt_ss help file Ss is designed to search a disk to determine if specific strings are located anywhere on it. Ss searches the entire disk. As it finds strings on the disk, it then writes information to an output file (default is called "hits"). It identifies the head, track, sector and cluster where the strings were found and also displays on the screen information concerning the location of the strings. Output is similar to Maresware's Strsrch program, which allows output records from these two programs to be combined for database analysis. Because it can search an entire track at one time it can somewhat faster than many other software programs. Of course, more hits, and/or more strings to search add to the search time. Ss can also perform a reverse search. This can be used to confirm the full overwrite of a physical disk. | View the html help file. | SSN_Valid
Check an SSN to see if is a valid issue
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program Ssn_valid is designed to allow a user to input an SSN and verify if it is a legitimately issued number. Ssn_valid can take interactive input from a user, to check one SSN at a time, or can take a text file of SSN's and the program will check each one in turn, and show the results on the screen, which can be redirected. The version of the program that is available on this site, will only process 10 SSN's until it is fully registered. Check for the latest group issued values. The user should generally prepare a current file from this list. (see the -g option).
| View the html help file. | Strip
Stip unprintable characters from a file
Strip will "strip" unprintable characters from a file. The user can choose to eliminate the unprintable characters completely, or replace them with blanks. Strip can also insert checkpoints at whatever periods the user chooses. View the help file | Strsrch
Search file system for strings
Be sure to check the help file for additional information about this program. The program is designed to do multiple string searches of files contained on a disk (hard or floppy). Strsrch is extremely fast (regardless of the number of keys used) and versatile. It can almost be "programmed" to produce virtually any output configuration. Strsrch searches for any number of strings in:
Regarding Iinternet activities: Strsrch and Ss can:
| View the html help file. | Systems
Determine operating systems on a hard drive
This is a 16 bit program, no longer available or practical. Top |